I'm interested - how can I help?
Pray regularly in worship and private for our mission partners and co-workers
Invite a member of our Congo team to visit your church to tell your congregation about our mission
Be part of our New Castle Presbytery Congo Partnership (NCPCP) team to strengthen relationships
Donate - all funds will help our sister churches with the funds they need for food, medications, supplies and much more.
Proverbs 19:17
"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done."
For more than 14 years,we have served to:
Lead with prayer and friendship building among pastors and laity in the New Castle and Kananga presbyteries
Engage our Congolese brothers and sisters in the design of projects and evaluation of our efforts
Be present with one another in worship, fellowship and service through travel and exchange of ideas and culture
Be ever mindful of the work and legacy of our respective denominations
Amend, correct,and repent of misunderstandings and assumptions caused by the great differences in power and privilege so that the cause of Christ is ever before us making us one in spirit and purpose